3 Super Affiliate Tips

You want to be super affiliate?

You want to make serious money with affiliate programs?

Use these super affiliate tips and you can’t stop money from coming!

1. You have to know the product you are promoting.

You can’t go out there and pick 50 products you know nothing about…The fact is, you need to know your product and you need to love the product you are promoting! You need to be excited about your product so you can…

2. Create a killer pre-sell page where you praise the product!

Super affiliates know that you need to have your own pre-sell page where you endorse the product. One way to pre-sell is to write a review where you give your honest opinion of the product you are promoting. If you know and love product you are promoting, it’s more than easy to do! Still, not everyone who comes to your site is going to buy…yet! That’s why you need to …

3. Build your opt-in list!

Super affiliates have huge opt-in lists. Well, Guess what? If you have list of 30 000 subscribers, you get money for nothing! All you need to do is write couple of emails and “check is in the bank!” If you want to be a super affiliate you should begin to build your list right now! Money is in the list! You’ve heard that million times but you have to know that this is the truth! All you need to do is put your subscription box to your pre-sell page and can create a free report or mini-course that goes hand by hand with the product you are promoting.

If you’re serious about making money as an affiliate, put in action these three tips and you’ll see that they work!

I reviewed something that is a must for everyone who wants to be a super affiliate! I was suspicious first but... http://www.thesourceofallcreation.com